Theorem Marketplace

Theorem Details

-- Miller Rabin Fixed Repetition Correctness

import Mathlib

-- see
-- see

-- def from
def val₂ (n : ℕ) : ℕ :=
  padicValNat 2 n

-- def from
def oddPart (n : ℕ) : ℕ :=
  n / 2 ^ val₂ n

-- def from
def SPP (n : ℕ) (a : ZMod n) : Prop :=
  a ^ oddPart (n - 1) = 1 ∨
  ∃ s : ℕ, s < val₂ (n - 1) ∧ a ^ (2 ^ s * oddPart (n - 1)) = -1

-- If n is a prime power, then the test will succeed, 
-- since either n is a prime and will be found to be so
-- or n is a composite power of a prime, 
-- in which case the test will determine that n is a nontrivial power of another number and therefore is composite.
-- if n has distinct prime factors, the error propability is the fraction of bases to which n is a strong probable prime.
noncomputable def miller_rabin_single_repetition_error_probability (n : Nat) : ℚ :=
  if (n ≤ 4 ∨ IsPrimePow n) then (0 : ℚ) else (Nat.card {(a : ZMod (n : Nat)) | SPP n a}) / (n : ℚ)

theorem miller_rabin_not_correct (repetitions : Nat) : 
    ∑' (n : ℕ), 
      (miller_rabin_single_repetition_error_probability n) ^ (repetitions + 1)
    = 0 := sorry

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